Thursday, January 01, 2004

Pending Investigation

I am looking forward to the investigation tomorrow night. I use only my mind so I will not have to lug cumbersome equipment to the site. It will be cold, too. The group that I'm accompanying this time has received much media exposure in the past but this event will not be televised (thankfully).

Of course, my voice will be recorded and everyone will look to me for information. That is the difficult part for me: having people stare at me while I gather impressions. I am growing accustomed to it. (At the last investigation, the digital voice recorder was working well but it did not record my voice!)

I have to remember how to "ground" myself, to shut out information when I am done, to shake the tensions that I pick up in other people because it is not mine. I have been taught well how to get rid of energy after an investigation but recalling such information in the midst of everything is sometimes difficult.

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